JERRY SEINFELD: ‘I Miss a Dominant Masculinity.’

The film ostensibly pits Post v. Kellogg’s in a cereal slug match for the ages. It also captures what made the ’60s special, according to the squeaky-clean comic. The era featured manly men, Seinfeld argued, the kind rarely seen today.

“As a man…”

“Are you sure you are,” Weiss asked, teasingly. “I did not hear pronouns.”

“I always wanted to be a real man, but I never made it,” he said with a laugh in his voice. He got more serious soon enough.

“In that era, it was JFK, it was Muhammad Ali, it was Sean Connery, Howard Cosell … that’s a real man. I wanna be like that someday,” Seinfeld said. “No. Look at how I dress, like an eight-year-old.”

Weiss defended the comedian’s style, but Seinfeld shared why his childish mien matters in his line of work.

“I never really grew up. You don’t want to as a comedian. It’s a childish pursuit, but I miss a dominant masculinity. Yeah, I get the toxic [inaudible] but still I like a real man. That’s why I love [‘Unfrosted’ co-star] Hugh Grant. He felt like one of those guys I wanted to be. He knows how to dress. He knows how to talk. He’s charming. He has stories. He’s comfortable at dinner parties. Knows how to get a drink, that stuff.”

Masculinity has been in obvious decline in pop culture.

Ed Morrissey adds:

Perhaps “confident masculinity” is a better way to put this. That aspect of human culture has been undermined for decades, to the point where it has largely gone dormant, especially in progressive-elite areas. One has to wonder whether that impacts comedy, as the audience simply isn’t mature and/or balanced enough for it to work.

Not least the wannabe hippies manning the TRS-80s at Rolling Stone: Far-Right Influencers Celebrate Jerry Seinfeld Once Again Claiming ‘PC Crap’ Killed Comedy.

GET IN SHAPE: Ally Peaks Pull Up Bar for Doorway. #CommissionEarned

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): I got one of these doorway pullup bars during Covid when the gyms were closed and went from being able to do only a few pullups (always my worse exercise) to being able to do 4 sets of 15. Just put it in a doorway and did a few every time I passed by.

DISPATCHES FROM THE INTERSECTION OF WEIMAR AMERICA AND, “WELL, SO MUCH FOR #METOO:” Lawmakers’ horrific plan to turn NYC into ‘Sin City East’ by OK’ing prostitution.

Without any hint of public discussion or hearings, Albany lawmakers are racing to legalize prostitution before the legislative session ends June 6.

They’ve already legalized weed, greenlighted Big Apple casinos and rolled back consequences for most crimes via their disastrous criminal-justice “reforms.”

Now they want to degrade the city further by paving the way for legalized hookers. And without even giving critics a chance to complain in advance.

It’s beyond outrageous.

Politico reports that state Sens. Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) and Julia Salazar (D-Queens) are backing dueling bills to “reform” the illicit trade.

Krueger would shield “sex workers” and go after only “johns,” while Salazar would legalize every aspect of the harmful industry.

Salazar, a radical Democratic Socialist, bizarrely believes sex workers are both independent entrepreneurs and victims of traffickers as well as prosecutors.

And just as with the botched cannabis legislation, neither has proposed a mechanism to oversee, license and regulate their sex-worker nirvana, compounding the horrors should their bills pass.

In 2021, Gov. Andrew Cuomo already set the leglislative-reform ball in motion, signing a bill to allow “loitering for the purpose of prostitution.”

Bill Blazejowski, your time has finally come!


Northeastern’s David Lazer, who heads up the Civic Health and Institutions Project, explained the shift this way: “In general there’s been a lot of negativity about Biden and younger voters may have been more responsive to that.” Not that Biden has done a bad job, mind you, or that Trump has somehow become acceptable. There’s just this vibe, you know, this negativity about Biden. The denial is strong with this one.

Then there’s the swing-for-the-fences panicmongering like this one from The New Republic: How the Hell Can People Be Nostalgic for Donald Trump? Yet—They Are.

I dunno — low inflation, rising wages, peace?

The New York Times chose Memorial Day to publish an op-ed by Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, comparing Biden to aged-but-lovable Boris Yeltsin in 1996 and Donald Trump to the resurgent Communist threat represented by election opponent Gennady Zyuganov.

Is Trump supposed to be Literally Hitler™ or a filthy Commie? It’s so hard to keep track these days.

Vox even devoted one of its trademark sleep-inducing “explainer” columns today to squirming over Biden’s loss of support among young and non-white voters. “High turnout may actually favor Republicans this year,” namely Trump, despite his “paranoid vision of American life and a populist contempt for the nation’s political system.”

Young and non-white voters don’t understand they’re voting for the end of voting!

The crème de la crème of squirming alarm is today’s Politico article that my colleague Rick Moran already gave a full writeup. But please let me break out this particularly tasty bit from it. Enjoy this classic bit of panicmongering boilerplate from an unnamed Dem operative: “This isn’t, ‘Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.’ It’s ‘Oh my God, the democracy might end.'”

These are the same people who said Romney would give people cancer.

Not to mention, this classic moment: Biden: Romney’s approach to financial regulation will ‘put y’all back in chains.’

Every GOP presidential candidate since Thomas Dewey has been compared to Hitler, but this is the first time the Democrats compared a candidate to Hitler who then went on to win who is running for a non-concurrent second term, and thus have to explain why even though he didn’t do much Hitlering* in his first term, he’d be sure to really have the Reich Stuff in his second.

* Of course, point taken. But all of that was entirely Fauci-approved, and the left were furious he didn’t go further, until riot season broke out, right around this time, four years ago.

QUESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED: Touré Asks What White American Culture Is.

I’m not sure what Touré [Neblett] does now. He had his own show on MSNBC before they gave the axe to a number of shows featuring blacks. Now he sits around and wonders what white culture is. Didn’t he rush to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture’s exhibit on “whiteness” and white culture? That pretty well spelled it out. According to the Smithsonian, white culture is characterized by individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, and more. One of the stated goals in Black Lives Matter’s manifesto was to “disrupt” the nuclear family.

Flashback for those who missed this classic moral panic from everybody’s favorite annus horribilis, the year 2020: After backlash, the Smithsonian removes that chart breaking down ‘whiteness and white culture’ in the US.

Click to enlarge.

The chart may be gone, but, the message from the Smithsonian still stands, Byron York wrote in July of 2020: “Minus the chart, the ‘whiteness’ page on the museum’s website remains the same, including a video from another diversity consultant, Robin DiAngelo, author of the bestseller White Fragility. It includes a discussion of ‘white dominant culture’ without the specific references to individualism, hard work, objectivity, etc., that the chart included.”

IS NIH THE BIGGEST ABUSER OF THE FOIA? A bunch of internal emails obtained by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic make it clear senior NIH officials were coached by none other than NIH FOIA officials on how to evade the transparency law.

Now the House panel has opened an investigation and FOIA/transparency-in- government advocates like US Right to Know and Open The Books are hoping this could be the start of something hugely important. The subcommittee is part of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.


IF TRUE, THAT SHOWS GOOD JUDGMENT: Entering Law Students Do Not Rely On The U.S. News Rankings In Choosing A Law School. “We compared changes in law school US News rankings to changes in prospective law student preferences the following year. Those variables should be strongly positively correlated. If a school’s US News ranking increases, prospective law students should prefer it more the following year, and if it decreases, they should prefer it less. But in fact, they were at best very weakly positively correlated, and often they are weakly negatively correlated. In other words, prospective law students appear to be largely indifferent to changes in a school’s US News ranking. This suggests that prospective law students are getting information about which law school to attend from someplace other than US News. And it also suggests that law schools can safely stop paying attention to the US News rankings, because their customers don’t care.”

PLAY STUPID GAMES, WIN STUPID PRIZES: California’s $25-an-Hour Minimum-Wage Boomerang: Gov. Newsom now says the law he signed last October would add to the state’s fiscal woes. He ignored warnings at the time.

Progressives in Sacramento rarely think twice before burdening businesses. But lo and behold, they are having second thoughts about California’s new $25-an-hour minimum wage for healthcare workers. Why? Because its burdensome budget costs are threatening liberal programs.

California’s Democratic Legislature is scrambling this week to delay the state’s higher healthcare minimum wage, which is scheduled to take effect on June 1. It’s not uncommon for politicians to reverse themselves, but California Gov. Gavin Newsom is walking back a law that he signed only last October. What’s changed?

The state’s budget deficit has ballooned to $45 billion. Mr. Newsom projects that the new healthcare minimum wage would cost the state $4 billion more a year owing to higher Medicaid costs and compensation for workers at state-owned facilities. Legislative analyses warned about these costs, but Mr. Newsom signed the law anyway.

Thus the minimum wage for healthcare workers is set to rise to between $18 and $23 an hour this Saturday, depending on the type and size of healthcare provider. California’s current minimum wage for all workers is $16 an hour. Nearly all workers at healthcare facilities including janitors will have to be paid at least $25 an hour by 2028.

Democrats shrugged when healthcare providers warned that the wage mandate could force cuts to patient services. Who cares if Californians wait longer before being seen at the ER? But now Democrats worry that the state’s higher health costs could force bigger government spending cuts. Oh no. Californians may have to wait even longer for their bullet train to nowhere.

Mr. Newsom is proposing to tie health worker minimum-wage increases to the state’s general fund revenue and to exempt state facilities. But once capital-gains revenue picks up again, California’s private healthcare providers will be stuck paying for the wage mandate, which they will ultimately pass on to patients. Far better to repeal the $25 wage minimum en toto.

As usual, Democrats don’t want to eat their own lousy cooking.

Well, would you?

CELEBRATE APPROPRIATELY: Magpul’s Silver Anniversary.

Magpul has become a legend in a short 25 years, developing an enviable reputation for innovation and uncompromising quality along the way. It officially launched in 1999, although company founder Richard Fitzpatrick recognized a need for the firm’s initial product back in 1991, while serving as a member of 3rd Recon Battalion in the Marine Corps.

Most U.S. combat troops began adding paracord and duct tape to the bottom of magazines to improve reload speed in Vietnam. They continued to do so while Fitzpatrick was in uniform because a reliable alternative never appeared. When he left the service, though, he invented a combat-tough, rubberized system to fulfill the same mission. That year was 1997, but he still needed a method of reproducing the device in volumes large enough to meet even a modest order. So, he purchased an injection mold and began making the magazine pulls in his Colorado garage.

An entrepreneurial triumph.



I already read Kurt Schlichter’s “The Attack” and would rather not live through it.

DON’T GET COCKY: ‘Full-Blown Freakout,’ Democrats Are Having a Panic Attack Over Joe Biden’s Electoral Prospects.

Fortunately, one man can save them — and that man is Travis Bickle! “The idea had been growing in my brain for some time: TRUE force. All the king’s men cannot put it back together again:”

Although Travis wore Mohawks, not masks when he was getting ready to move in for the kill: